When Superglue Isn’t Enough: Gathering Our Scattered Emotions

Monday, January 6, 2014 — 2 Comments

ungluedSome days even a vat of superglue couldn’t keep me from unraveling. It happens on days when I have a ridiculous amount of things to do or when relationships turn rough or when my hormones have a mind of their own, one that’s more hostile than holy.

Days like these, I definitely feel unglued.

If you ever have days like this, maybe you’d like to join me and some other women to explore how we can handle our emotions in the midst of the very circumstances that cause our emotions to run wild. Lisa TerKeurst’s book Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions will structure our discussion. We’ll meet for six weeks on Thursdays, 9:30–11:00 a.m., beginning January 16. Books are $15.

Please join us! All are welcome. Let me know that you plan to attend so I can pass along our meeting locale and so that we can make arrangements for our group.

Let’s explore together how we can handle our emotions in ways that honor God and that lead to a much more peaceful life. Sounds more reasonable than a vat of superglue, huh?!

2 responses to When Superglue Isn’t Enough: Gathering Our Scattered Emotions


    Thanks for your ministry and your heart for people.

    One grammar question. Did you intend to put the word “do” between “to” and “or” in the second sentence?

    “It happens on days when I have a ridiculous amount of things to ‘do’ or”

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